Close but not quite …

I’m not sure whether I love or loathe my internal body clock. Today I am definitely leaning towards the LOATHE. I was supposed to be able to sleep in this morning. And by sleeping in I mean that I could get up at 7 am instead of 5 am if I wanted. But my body wanted no part of that idea. It has easily retuned to its’ early riser back-to-school and training mode (my natural state) with gusto. And apparently, 4 am is the new 5 am. I guess it’s similar. Sorta. But it’s definitely not 7 am. Ugh.

Well, I hope you all have a day where it’s close but not quite!!!

Two things at once …

I woke up unusually early this morning. Too early to justify starting my run. Somehow I managed to fall back to sleep and I overslept by an hour. OY. I’m not sure if I should be happy that my body took the sleep it needed or if I should be totally bummed that I have to run in the heat.

Well, I hope you all have a day where you do two things at once!!!

Forced recuperation …

I woke up at 4 am. WIDE. AWAKE. On a Saturday. I purposely did my long run yesterday so I could sleep in today. And honestly, by “sleeping in” I mean I was hoping to sleep until 6 am. But, nope. My body wasn’t having any part of that. Or maybe my brain was to blame. Either way, I woke up 2 hours earlier than I wanted to after two days of feeling exhausted. So I refused to let myself get up. My body was going to get the rest it needed even if I had to duct tape myself to my bed to get it! Sheesh!

Well, I hope you all have a day where you get some forced recuperation!

Absolutely LOVING this day …

I slept in. I got morning cuddles. I had donuts for breakfast. I got the oil diffusers going. I got to do some writing. I did some summer vacation planning. I crawled back in bed. And I’m making some plans for later today.

Well, I hope you all absolutely LOVE this day!

Thinking too much …

I was up pretty late last night and for some strange reason, this morning, I woke up SUPER early. I even gave myself permission last night to “sleep in”. Whatever THAT looks like to a typically early riser on a normal busy Friday morning. HA! Anyway, I also woke up WHOLE body tired. You know that feeling? It’s definitely NOT pleasant. UGH. So my question to myself is WHY? If I’m THIS tired ALL OVER and I can get a little extra sleep, then WHY THE HECK am I awake?!?! I blame my brain. Oy.

Well, I hope you all have a day where you don’t think too much!!!

Sucked back into reality …

I slept in this morning. For me anyways. I’m sure I know people who will be asleep for HOURS after my sleeping in ended, HA! Once I realized what time it was I was proud of my body for taking what it needed … and pretty darn amazed that no one woke me up! As I laid their basking in the wake of a great night’s sleep, thoughts of everything we have to do today started to creep in. Actually it was more like A TIDAL WAVE OF ADULTHOOD crashing onto my little island of paradise (my bed) and dragging me out to sea like a RIPTIDE OF RESPONSIBILITY. So … I got up. Ugh.

Well, I hope you all have a day where you don’t get sucked back into reality!!!

Bouncing back …

It’s official. After 20 months my sleep is FINALLY back to normal. I’m back to feeling that seven hours is like “sleeping in”. It’s wonderful! The need for so much sleep was honestly the hardest thing I’ve ever physically experienced. Waking up feeling so groggy was brutal! But now I feel rested again when I wake up and I have my energy back. Every once in a while I have a bout of fatigue that is a strong reminder of what my body has been through. But on the eve of turning 50 years old, I’m happy to say that I don’t feel much different than I did turning 40. Which strangely, was also a pivotal time of recovery from my first bout meningitis. I’ll be honest this is NOT how I want to celebrate turning a new decade ever again. TWO WAS ENOUGH. But I guess as long as I come around to my old self … um, my younger self (HA!) … how can I really complain?

Well, I hope you all have a day where you feel like you finally bounced back!!!

Exactly what we’ve needed …

Three days into our Spring Break and I can say that it’s already been a ton of fun. It’s been wonderful hanging out with my sweet girls and spending time with our family … with NO time constraints. We have spent our days doing everything and nothing, HA! Normal bedtimes are out the window. Routines, ditched. Sleeping in, a must. Laughter and laziness, a given. I absolutely LOVE IT!

Well, I hope you all have a day where you get exactly what you needed!!!

We did it anyway …

Early (no, REALLY EARLY) this morning I took Sid and George to the airport. After flight delays and airline changes, I was finally able to crawl back into bed around 8 am. Luckily we had a late night out up in Los Angeles seeing a movie and having dinner so everyone ended up sleeping in. When we all finally woke up I realized quickly that today wasn’t going to be productive. Laziness was going to be the mood for the day and I was fine with it. At one point this afternoon Libs wanted a sweet treat and I wanted a holiday coffee. Normally, if I’m home, I make the effort to make my own drinks. But the thought of making my own at that point sounded a lot like taking a high school chemistry class. Which incidentally, I never took, HA! Anyway, we opted for the best laziest solution we could come up with. Starbucks mobil ordering. I’m not sure why getting in real clothes, brushing my hair, driving 3 minutes and being seen is public was the better option. Because let’s face it, that took WAY more effort than just walking to the kitchen, turning on my Keurig, mixing up some spices and grabbing some cookies. This was clearly not the laziest way to fulfill our cravings. But for some reason, it felt that way.

Well, I hope you all have a day where you did it anyway!!!