Unexpected joy …

I woke up a few times last night … because I was FREEZING. The weather here is certainly changing. And I LOVE IT. My younger self is at a loss with my newfound love of colder weather. I have to admit, it’s strange coming from a woman who mourned summer’s end every year for decades. Anyway, after my walk this morning, my happy frozen self, found a cozy quiet moment before anyone else woke up. And I started to think. I am not sure if my appreciation of colder weather would have progressed without the happenings of 2020. But I do know that it’s incredible how you can be one way your whole life, then change, so naturally, and start to enjoy something that you never ever did before. A human being’s ability to evolve is simply amazing to me! It makes me excited to know that there is still so much unexpected joy out there just waiting to be discovered. So, I guess I’m going to add this treasure to my list of personal wins for the year … and hope to add a few more before it ends.

Better things ahead …

Isn’t it amazing how innately our souls step-up to meet new challenges? Even when we feel overwhelmed, weak or unable, we still somehow manage to overcome some pretty tough situations. We are SO capable! Although the process is not always pleasant, this is probably one of my favorite things about being human. No matter what happens, we continue to grow our strengths. And what a treasure these strengths are! I can’t help but think that these newly discovered gifts and the struggles that help us find them, are preparing us for better things ahead. At least, I hope so.

Partying for days …

We are heading into another fun weekend of birthday celebrating. To say I feel THE LOVE is an understatement. I’m overwhelmed by how kind the people in my life are. They know how much I value time, theirs and mine. They understand that I’m not into material things, so they spoil me by allowing me to collect moments with them. For them to give me so freely of their time, is a treasure. I know that I say this a lot, but I am truly blessed by these incredible souls.

Well, I hope you all party for days!!!

Stealing a moment for myself …

In the midst of my crazy life today I managed to take a few minutes to just sit on a bench showered in the perfect mixture of sun and shade. I was waiting at the carwash. I sat down and happily crossed off the last thing on my To-Do List. I enjoyed everything about how I felt in that moment. The relief of being done with all of my errands. The warmth of the sun. The cool breeze that complimented the shade. All of it was wonderful. And I just soaked it in. The best part about all of this is that it came at a place that I would never call relaxing or pleasant. But that is what I find so precious about life. It can surprise you with a treasure in the most unlikely of places. And well, I just love it when that happens.

Well, I hope you all have a day where you get to steal a moment for yourself!!!