Don’t settle …

Life is only made better when I share it with people who are genuine, honest, loyal, loving and kind. Trust me, they are out there! You just have to love yourself enough, to allow yourself, to find them.

Well, I hope you all have a day where you don’t settle!!!

Tragedy and loyalty …

Sixteen years ago today the U.S. faced a very ugly day. But what happened after that was something I will never forget. We came together as a country. People hung their flags. We became neighbors and family. We were proud to be Americans. There was a patriotism that emerged that I had never seen before in my life time. And it was beautiful. We didn't scatter and become concerned only for ourselves. There was a huge sense of community. We actually loved each other!

Our country is pretty divided right now. But those memories really give me hope. We have weathered some pretty nasty times together. We pulled together before, and we can do it again now. I believe in us. And I won't ever stop.

Well, I hope you all have a day where you remain loyal!!!

Celebrating a beautiful soul …

Today is Libs' 15th birthday. I remember her birth like it was yesterday. Her delivery room was like a party, filled with laughter. She came into this world in such a happy way and it truly set the tone for her life. This green-eyed beauty is so funny and has such a good heart. She will keep you smiling and have your back. She is loving and loyal. And she is also gifted. Smart and talented. She has a voice like an angel. She is honestly a joy to spend my days with and I absolutely love being her momma!

Well, I hope you all have a day where you celebrate a beautiful soul!!!

A great plan with The Genuines …

There are tons of quotes by very influential people advising us that we should ONLY surround ourselves with people who lift us up, believe in us and love us. I couldn’t agree more. I do my best to end relationships that are not balanced and healthy. But life doesn’t always allow for this in every situation. Unfortunately despite our best efforts we must deal with undesirable people almost every day. I have obviously battled this dilemma but creating my own little world. Ya know … LaLa Land. HA! As much as I don’t want to have to deal with difficult people or difficult situations, it’s a necessity sometimes. So I figure why not just try to laugh and smile and hope my way through all of it with the people I love most in the world. Being optimistic and always trying to see the positive side has served me well. It has also enabled me to find my tribe. The people I have come to call “The Genuines”. Those souls who speak to mine. They GET me. They treat me respectfully and ALWAYS have my back. We are equals and only want good for one another. They are loyal, honest and REAL. And I couldn’t be more grateful for them.

So yes, unfortunately we must deal with people and situations that we don’t want to. But having good people by your side sure makes it a whole lot easier … and fun (can’t forget the fun!)

Well, I hope you all have a day where you come up with a great plan!!!

Standing by your word …

I would like to believe that when someone initially makes a promise to do something, they have every intention of doing what they said. Of course, this assumes that the person making the promise has their heart and head in the right place to make such a commitment to someone. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not naive enough to think that promises are never be broken. I know that they are. Many, for good reason. But what about the promise that is broken for not so good a reason? Sadly, this happens too. I suppose it speaks to one’s integrity and loyalty or lack there of. Because let’s face it, no one with a sincere and faithful heart would break a promise for a bad reason.

Perhaps social media is to blame (here I go again). Words are so easily thrown out there. Whether it’s a Tweet, a Share or a whatever, many people don’t care if they lie or stretch their truths. It’s just words on a computer screen, right?!?!

No … it’s NOT just words on a computer screen. Where I come from and what I teach my H-Crew is that words are all you have. And putting your words into ACTION is what defines you. Whether people are watching or not, if you say something, in my opinion, you better be living those words. Being consistent in you words and actions means something! Promises mean something. And if we are going to evolve along with our computerized electronic world then we need to keep it real. Really REAL. In every aspect of life. Even sitting in front of a computer screen. Mean what you say, say what you mean and LIVE IT with integrity. Boom. It’s just that simple.

Well, I hope you all have a day where you stand by your word!!!