A little break …

Life! I got so caught up in it again that I stopped my daily blogging. What seems like a good idea at the time often leaves me feeling NOT RIGHT. This blog keeps me positive. It MAKES me see the hope in each new day. It’s a habit I’ve taken seriously for many years now. So when I’m away, even when I feel I need to be, it just doesn’t feel normal. I can’t deny that writing and hoping have been a part of who I am for most of my life. ALL OF MY LIFE. I guess I just don’t know how to quit it. And that makes me happy.

Well, I hope you all have a day where you take a little break!!!

Hopeful …

For most of my adult life if you were to ask me what the greatest mistake I could ever make was, I’d say it would be not fully appreciating my life. Seriously, THIS is my greatest fear. Perhaps it came from losing my mom when she and I were both so young, but that thought really bothers me. Our days may be long but our years are definitely short. For some, those years are even shorter. In my early twenties I made a decision that I wasn’t going to take one day for granted. I made it a goal to find happiness in each new day no matter what trials I faced. And I promised myself that I would relish every joyful moment I was given. I refused to live with regret or worry being the theme of my life. These choices have served me well. But I will admit, it takes a whole lotta work. It doesn’t always come easy, but this “habit” of mine is worth it.

Well, I hope you all have a day where you are hopeful!!!