A patch of blue sky and a glimmer of hope …

One of my favorite quotes (and I’ve got a TON of them) is by Richard Bach. “You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true”. Wow. That is HUGE. Yes, I’ll admit I have often been accused of being a dreamer. Heck, I am Queen resident in my very own imaginary LaLa Land, HA! And trust me, if there is a BIG dream out there to dream … I’m dreaming it. But this quote is so empowering. It really breaths life into the fact that anything is possible, you just have to find the strength that is already housed within you … and do it. But sadly, I think that’s where a lot of people fall short. They cop out on themselves too easily. People, especially in our society these days, find hard work beneath them. They don’t want to be uncomfortable or in pain. Who does??? They just want things handed to them and can become jealous or angry when they aren’t. What a mess. So what makes some of us more able to find and keep the power within us to keep moving forward? I think it’s one’s ability to find hope. Yep, hope. It’s quite cliche to say, but it’s what keeps you going when the going gets tough. Hope doesn’t usually come with a ticker tape parade with signs that cheer you on and with guarantees that everything will turn out sunny. Hope comes in small packages and in moments that speak directly to your soul … just when you need them the most. Most people give up on themselves and their dreams far before they even develop a real need for hope. Others stick around long enough to need hope, but then dismiss it’s small signs. And ultimately jump ship on themselves as well. To successfully pursue your dreams you must have a heart intent on finding hope in all your trials. Bottom line. If you’re not dreaming big, then you will never know what it’s like to need hope. I say this like it’s a good thing. Well, it sorta is. You see, when you are at that point where you really need some hope and that moment arrives … and you see it … and you feel it … you NEVER feel more alive. If you have no need for hope … well … then you just aren’t living BIG enough.

I’ve made no secret of how 2014 has been off to a rough start for me. My friends and I joke that I seem to have developed my very own personal rain cloud. But you know what? I don’t mind it one bit. Because every day I wake up with the hope of a new day. Trust me there have been days I could have very easily given up on my dreams and not a soul would have questioned me why. But I didn’t. Everyday I chose to find those moments of hope amidst my storms. It’s funny, throughout the past 6 weeks of my life I have often envisioned myself on a tiny boat at sea with dark awful clouds above me. But I also see myself sitting patiently and calmly in that boat. Trusting God and looking for that moment when a blue sky breaks through. Today in Cali we are heading into a few days of heavy rain. It rained pretty consistently the early morning hours by house. On my way home from dropping my H-Crew off at school it was still raining. But what I saw as I came around the corner to my neighborhood, just about made me fall out of my car. It was a patch of blue sky. MY BLUE SKY! The one I’ve been waiting for in my little boat for the past 6 weeks. Right there for ME to see. I was overwhelmed. I got out and took a picture of it. There it was. MY hope moment. The one that told me that my storm is going to be over soon … BIG SIGH. Now, could I have dismissed this as nothing? Sure. And most of the world probably would have. But THAT is just not how this girl chooses to roll.

Well, I hope you all have a day where you find your GLIMMER OF HOPE!!!