I’m having a little fun with it …

I decided to bring some silliness into this whole foot dilemma of mine. I have named my boot. Yep. I named it and made it male. It’s my version of a “Flat Stanley”. If you aren’t familiar with “Flat Stanley”,it’s a children’s book by Jeff Brown and illustrated by Tomi Ungerer. It’s about a little boy who is flattened and is now able to be sent, via mail, all over the world to visit people. “Flat Stanley” is replicated in classrooms where by children make versions of their Stanley and send them all over the world to various relatives and friends who take photographs with them. It’s a cute idea, so I copied it. When I realized just how much time this boot and I are going to be spending together, I figured, why not? 

I am really hoping that my boot adventure ends on October 4 as I stand at the start line of the Twin Cities Marathon. I have trained so hard these past few months. I refuse to believe that having taken two steps off my porch took me out. So I am staying positive and not giving up. My plan is to still train, without running, until I’m cleared by my Ortho. I am hopeful that this will be some time in August. Regardless, it’s going to take a lot to get me to that start line. And I am hoping that a little extra laughter will carry me all the way.

So that is how the idea of Bob the Boot was born. In just 24 hours we have already been to an Angel’s baseball game, had a shopping trip to the mall and we also happened to stumble upon a crime scene. NO JOKE! Photographs taken, of course. Boy oh boy, I can only imagine where Bob and Jen’s WILD ADVENTURE will take us next!

Well, I hope you all have a day where you have a little fun with it!!!