Something new …

A few days ago I had a conversation with a friend about how much there is, even a my age, that I don’t know. I don’t mean things like the entire Japanese alphabet or how to build a rocket ship. I mean the simple things in my day-to-day life. I was saying that when I ultimately stumble across new bits of knowledge I feel like life gave me a surprise. At the time I couldn’t give a good example of what I was talking about, but today I can!

Did you know that if you stack candy corn in a circle, layer after layer, it actually looks like corn??? I had no freaking clue! Yep. I learned that … TODAY! I’m 46 years old and NEVER knew!


Seeeeee! It’s like a little surprise that life handed me! Nope, it’s not information that is going to save a life or bring world peace. But it did do something. It put a smile on my face 🙂

Sometimes it’s not about the big things in life that get you through your day. If you let them, the little things can mean a lot too.

Well, I hope you all had a day where you learned something new!!!
