Territorial …

We have a family room that is more like an EVERYTHING room. Reclining couches. A television. TOYS. Weights and workout equipment. A piano. Bookshelves. A desk and computer. It’s a space outside of bedrooms that I’ve always kept for the kids to JUST BE and DO things in. It’s out in the open and keeps everyone returning to the same place multiple times of day. This space was thought out even before we had children. I wanted our home to feel like kids lived here and that their STUFF was welcome. I think it’s been pretty successful too. But it’s funny. Now that two of my kids are off in college you would think our EVERYTHING room would feel even bigger to the two that remain.


I have to say that there is nothing quite like witnessing an 8 year old and a 15 year old negotiate space … in a place where there is PLENTY of room for both of them. Oy!

Well, I hope you all have a day where you aren’t territorial!!!