Peace and quiet …

I think I write more about Sunday mornings than any other day or time of the week. They are my favorite. Somehow, they always start off quietly. It honestly shocks me every week. This house, despite only having Libs and Reese here on the regular now, gets LOUD and BUSY. There is music and activity, clatter and energy. There is our familiar busyness of gathering (our STUFF) and going (to who knows where). Stillness here is RARE. This house is truly alive. And when everyone is home, it’s down right electric. But on Sunday morning, seemingly without fail, it sleeps. And it’s wonderful.

Well, I hope you all have a day where you can enjoy some peace and quiet!!!

Pleasantly different

I am wiped out. Heck, I think everyone here is! This week has been incredibly busy for us. I couldn’t be happier that it’s Friday! Not that our weekend isn’t packed full of things to do, but it’s just not like our list of things to do during the week. THANK. GOD.

Well, I hope you all have a day where things are pleasantly different!!!

Cozy and productive …

It’s raining here today. And it’s the first day that I’ve had to catch my breath in a month. I absolutely refuse to leave the house today for anything more than my children’s needs and a natural disaster. HA! But as much as I’d like to just curl up in bed and nap, I can’t. The Holidays and my life just won’t allow it! So I’ve come up with a nice compromise. I’m currently buried under a Christmas blanket, curled up in my chair sitting at my desk, drinking a warm cup of holiday coffee, handling responsibilities and ordering gifts online. It’s all about balance and comfort and getting it all done … especially when life graciously allows it.

Well, I hope you all have a day that is cozy and productive!!!

The sound of rain …

I should be irritated. It woke me earlier than I normally wake up. And it immediately made me think of 10 things that I needed to do because it finally showed up. Thank God I took the trash cans out to the curb last night! I also resentfully decided that I wasn’t running in it either. I cursed it’s unpredictability.

But not for long and definitely not like I used to.

As I have grown older I don’t mind it. Before I saw it as an indicator of a more difficult day. ESPECIALLY when my crew was really little. But now, not so much. It’s nice. It makes me feel cozy. And a whole lot LAZY. A friend recently described me as the busiest person that they knew. So maybe a HAULT in my normal routine is something that I have come to appreciate. Trust me, it doesn’t disrupt my day to the point where I turn into a NOT busy person. But it’s enough to slow me down and it allows me enjoy a few peaceful moments that I would have missed otherwise.

Well, I hope you all have a day where you enjoy the sound of the rain!!!

A hand to hold …

As of yesterday afternoon my world finally calmed down. Yay! It’s honestly been a whirlwind. A wave of relaxation literally washed over me after my last meeting yesterday. Last night I realized that I’ve been so busy that I hadn’t really even given much thought to my favorite holiday fast approaching. Even after decorating, confirming with George when he would head home and after booking Sid’s flight it still hadn’t hit me. Talk about distracted!

I had big plans today. Plans to nurture myself. THIS is so important. Seriously, we all need to do more of it. But that’s a topic for another day. My day started early with a wonderful carefree run. I prayed. I thought about Thanksgiving. I thought about how blessed we are and how thankful I am. And then it hit me! ALL of my babies will be home. SOON. I was instantly overcome with emotions. I have not been with all four of my kids at the same time since early August. That’s a first. Again, I don’t like it but I wouldn’t want it any other way. They are off living their lives and becoming who they are meant to be. It’s beautiful.

The picture I posted with this blog is quite a few years old but it’s one of my favorites. I’d be lying if I said that I don’t miss those days. I do. They were days when we were all a bit younger and life wasn’t pulling us in so many different directions. I’m not one to want to turn back time, but I do like to look back. It makes me appreciate our togetherness even more now. I love our family history and the memories that we have made. They are, after all, what paved the way to what is our now. Again, it is beautiful. I know that our NOW might not look like our THEN but it still takes my breath away. These incredible souls are my WHY. I am blessed to be their mom. So so so blessed. And I am grateful that regardless of how much time passes or the distance between them, that they will always have each other to walk through life with. As an only child I wanted this for them. No. I needed this for them. And knowing that they have each other fills this mama’s heart with immeasurable peace and joy.

Well, I hope you all have a day where you have a hand to hold!!!

Happily never knowing …

We are a busy family. We always have been. I think it’s because there are so many of us, HA! In my 20 years plus of parenting I have never felt like we have done TOO MUCH. I felt like I have maintained a balance between school, fun, work, rest and health … but not this school year! It’s been crazy and it only got worse as the year marched on.

At the beginning of Spring I sat down and looked at everything on our calendar. To say I was completely overwhelmed, is an understatement. There was just too much going on. Some of it was our norm, but a lot of new things were on our agenda and they came with a lot of learning. Then there were other “one time” events that demanded priority. Throw in holidays, a vacation, college open houses and marathon training and you have the past 8 weeks of our lives. YIKES. At the time I took a deep breath and prayed for health and time in each day to get it all done. And I’m relieved to say that as of this past weekend we got through it! Except for my marathon this coming Sunday. HA, again! Some people might think that would be the worst if it. But not me. I’m looking forward to. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. It absolutely won’t be. I’m saying it’s going to be freeing. I love to run and to be able to go into this week feeling at ease after weeks of stress and wondering how I was going to fit in my training miles … I finally just get to run.

Well, I hope you all have a day where you happily have no idea how you did it!!!

A nice day …

Holy moly, I am wiped out. I am still feeling the fallout from my awful long run on Friday and it’s been a hectic performance weekend for Libs. We were also out late last night after her final show for a little celebratory dinner and for some crazy reason I work up EARLY this Sunday morning. But it’s all good. I am so thankful for the a blessed and busy life we have! And despite being a little beat up, I plan on enjoying this day to the fullest! Later we are headed to the beach to attend a luncheon with some people I just adore. I can’t think of a better place or way to spend an afternoon recouping!

Well, I hope you all have a nice day!!!

Happily pulled in 1000 different directions …

Yoga. Back to college. A tennis lesson. Dance. Girl Scouts. Cookies. LOTS OF COOKIES. A film crew. Winter Formal. A facial. And hopefully, a nice quiet dinner. Yup. I think that sums up most of our Saturday. I have lived this busyness for so long that I honestly think I’d miss it if suddenly we were no longer involved in absolutely EVERYTHING. I certainly wouldn’t know what to do with myself.

Well, I hope you all have a day where you are happily pulled in 1000 different directions!!!